News,May 2018

what is an intangible asset

What is an Intangible Asset?

19/12/2023Business , Business Growth Ideas

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of what is an intangible asset. In the realm of finance and accounting, tangible assets are physical resources that hold value and contribute to a company’s operations. By understanding tangible assets, we can gain a deeper understanding of a company’s financial health, its ability to generate revenue, and its …

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how does Company Share Option Plan work

What Can I Do With My Company Share Option Plan?


By implementing a Company Share Option Plan, you can incentivise your employees, reward their hard work and commitment, and align their interests with the success of the company. However, it’s important to familiarise yourself with the eligibility criteria, limitations, and regulations that come with setting up a CSOP. Consulting with legal and financial professionals will …

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what is innovator founder visa

What is Innovator Founder Visa?


In this guide, we will kick off this discussion by talking about the Innovator Founder Visa. This visa opens up incredible opportunities for ambitious entrepreneurs like yourself who are looking to establish and develop their business ventures in the UK. With this visa, you can bring your entrepreneurial vision to life, work on your business, …

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what is a P14 form

What is a P14 Form?


If you are looking for a guide on the P14 form, this guide is based on a discussion of everything that will answer your basic queries. Whether it’s the standard P14 form or a substitute form, it’s important to understand its purpose and how it fits into various schemes like PAYE and CIS. So, let’s …

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What Does DWP XB Mean?

20/07/2023Business , employment allowance

The primary role of DWP XB is to help get the Christmas bonus in the month of December every tax year in the UK. However, the term DWP XB commonly confuses several people which makes them require what is the specific meaning of it. Well, Christmas bonus is a regular word used for XB. However, …

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benefit fraud

How are Benefit Fraud Caught?

10/07/2023Business , Finance

By benefits fraud, we mean cases where individuals attempt to claim the advantage of the benefits that they are not even entitled to in the UK. This could involve giving or passing on the wrong information or required details and not reporting to HMRC when it come to a change of your circumstances. In this …

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